Dramatis Personae

This is a list of the people mentioned in Edward's story. It should be useful particularly when you know that a person is in the story somewhere, but you can't remember where. The names are listed in alphabetical order.

The "description" column gives the exact relationship to the Principal, when the individual is on, or fairly close to, the trunk of the Principal's family tree, e.g., "Principal's uncle". Such people mostly have a box in one of the family trees. Those who are further out, but still related to the Principal, usually have only a mention in article text somewhere, and are classified as "other". Finally, those who are not related at all, but merely part of the story, are called "extras".

The "See:" column only mentions the canonical entry for the person; there may be (many) other mentions, but they will not be found this way.

Many women will have had two surnames due to marriage. Where this is relevant, their table entry contains both names. Hover over the displayed name to see the alternative. These entries are marked with an asterisk.

Name Identity See:
Anna Crehens
Anna Barka*
Principal's great-grandmotherTree entry
Anne BarkaPrincipal's grandaunt(?)Tree entry
Anne Murphy (Annie)Principal's sisterTree entry
Anne QuigleyPeter Murphy's wifeText
Anne (unknown)
Anne Tierney*
Principal's grandmotherTree entry
Bridget CrehensPrincipal's great-grandaunt(?)Text
Catherine BarkaPrincipal's grandmotherTree entry
Catherine QuigleyPeter Murphy's mother-in-lawText
Catherine TierneyPrincipal's auntTree entry
Eddie McGuirke Text
Edward MurphyPrincipalTree entry
Edward MurphyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
Eliza BarkaPrincipal's grandauntTree entry
Elizabeth MurphyPrincipal's auntTree entry
Elizabeth Murphy (Lily) Text
Elizabeth Carmen(?)
Elizabeth Murphy*
Principal's cousinText
Elizabeth TierneyPrincipal's motherTree entry
Esther Crawford Text
Francis MurphyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
James MurphyPrincipal's grandfatherTree entry
James MurphyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
James MurphyPrincipal's brotherTree entry
James TierneyPrincipal's grandfatherTree entry
James MurphyPrincipal's cousinText
James TierneyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
Jane Quinn Text
Jim MurphyPrincipal's sonPhotograph
Mamie Courtney Text
Margaret MurphyPrincipal's auntTree entry
Margaret TierneyPrincipal's auntTree entry
Mary Anne Grimley????Text
Mary Anne McCarren Text
Mary Bridget MurphyPrincipal's cousinText
Mary Catherine MurphyPrincipal's sisterTree entry
Mary E Grimley????Text
Mary Kate MurphyPrincipal's cousinText
Mary TierneyPrincipal's aunt(?)Tree entry
Mary TierneyPrincipal's ????Text
Nora McAnulty Text
Patrick BarkaPrincipal's great-grandfatherTree entry
Patrick Grimley????Text
Patrick McGuirke Text
Patrick MurphyPrincipal's fatherTree entry
Patrick Murphy (Pat)Principal's brotherTree entry
Peter MurphyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
Peter TierneyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
Rose Finnegan Text
Sarah McGuirke Text
Sarah MurphyPrincipal's cousinText
Sarah Murphy (Sadie)Principal's sisterTree entry
Sarah TierneyPrincipal's aunt(?)Tree entry
Thomas MurphyPrincipal's uncleTree entry
Thomas MurphyPrincipal's cousinText
William Bernard McAnulty Text
William McAnulty Text